Monday, March 22, 2010

Belated St. Patrick's Greetings!

Well since my last post we've been back at Wind Wolves, this time with the dogs. I took approximately one bazillion pictures and have not sorted them yet, but hope to do so by the end of the week before our visitors come! Noelle & Andy will be coming down for the weekend--yay!!

In the meantime, we celebrated Saint Patrick's Day with corned beef and cabbage, although we opted for our new favorite mashed concoction over boiled potatoes. It was the first time I've made corned beef; I think next time I'll rinse some of the saltiness away before cooking. It was tasty, but definitely a once-a-year kind of meal for us.This however, I'd make again out of season! Similar to Aunt Dottie's Rum Cake recipe, this is an Irish Cream Bundt Cake, and it was goooood. We took this with us when we went to hear Banshee in the Kitchen at a concert held at our church. Fun!On Saturday I went to breakfast with a bunch of ladies from church, which was a great way to kick off the weekend! In the afternoon we took the dogs and went back to Wind Wolves with Brent, Julie and the kids, and in the evening I was backstage for the last performance of Annie! A busy but fun day.

In other news, I wore sandals all day today (when I wasn't barefoot in the house). :-D We had a busy work-around-the-house-and-yard day, and then ran errands to collect things we need to finish a bunch of projects. Looking forward to a productive week! Maybe tomorrow I'll post a picture of the beautiful salad bowls my husband bought today . . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those bowls are lovely - what a nice Erik! I like your blue and white dishes - do you have a set of them? Somewhere in this house I have some blue and white "things" that might match. If I find them (and you want them), they're yours. The food looks fab! k