Friday, June 24, 2011

Coveting Prayer

I took down the last post, not because it ceased to be true but because we have been asked not to talk about things. I will just say that we have been blindsided and our hearts are broken. We are clinging to each other and to the promises of our Father in heaven.
People keep asking what they can do. And really the only answer I have is, "Pray." I know it's sometimes more natural or feels like you're doing "more" somehow if there is action involved, but we are learning that sometimes we are just called to our knees. We are having to stop "doing" and are spending much of our time digging into God's word and crying out in prayer. And that is the most we can do. God will take care of the rest, in his time, as he sees fit.

We covet your prayers as we step out in faith into the unknown.

1 comment:

Justice.gradowitz said...

We will continue to pray for you and the family. Your going through a valley right now but it sounds like you are focusing on the mountain. Continue with that and this too will pass.

Justice and Michelle