Sunday, November 15, 2009

300 Miles From Bakersfield . . .

. . . is Antelope, California! We took a trip up to see the Searls Family last weekend; the weather was lovely and the company wonderful. On Saturday we took a long walk by this creek, which is only a few minutes drive from Andy & Noelle's--beautiful!!The whole crew (front to back): Noelle, Andy, Collin, Megan & Erik Erik being silly for Noelle's picture Mmm . . . blackberriesGiant heart-shaped leafVultureThe kids took advantage of this outdoor time to practice their scary laughs. I don't know which is more frightening:

Megan's crazy, loud maniacal laughter . . . Or Collin's quiet, scheming maniacal laughter!Handsome bearded fellow I saw on the trail The NewlywedsOn Saturday night and Sunday afternoon we got to spend some time with the rest of the Searls Family--good food, good conversation, and lots of fun! What a cute, color-coordinated family!! ;-)

I just realized that I didn't take any pictures inside of Noelle & Andy's house--you'll have to poke Noelle to get into gear and share photos of their new paint/floor/decorating. It looks really nice!

Late addition (just got the pic on e-mail from Noelle)--we also got to meet Calvin's Flat Stanley! :-D

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