Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Quick Post

We had a friend come and stay with us this weekend; Theresa was going down to Burbank and Long Beach to visit relatives and we were lucky enough to be on the way! It was great to have some girl talk time and hang out in between her visits with Aunt Cookie and Uncle Joe.

Three out of four pets prefer Theresa (actually, considering Rosie woke her up by dropping a mangled plastic straw on her face, we could probably expand this to four out of four)We also had a great Saturday with some friends from church--Brent, Julie, Hannah, David & Lily--but I was so busy playing games and visiting and eating I completely neglected to take any pictures! Next time. Here are two random photos in the meantime:

Who says cats and dogs can't live together in peace? Have you packed your boxes for Operation Christmas Child? This is their collection week! Hope everyone is staying healthy and not going crazy preparing for the holidays!
Love you,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So happy to see the new entries - been missing you! Calvin & Claudia and Grandma K also did shoe boxes. We are turning them in today - last day. I paid on-line so we can find out where in the world they end up. Such a great project! Greetings to Erik. Love you - Aunt k