Friday, April 8, 2011

How Did I Not Do This Post?!

This is what comes of busy days and an empty head and pictures on the wrong computer!

So this year my birthday was on a Sunday. Erik and I went out to eat and celebrated quietly. The following Tuesday was our three year anniversary (insert dopey grin here) and also small group at our house. We had just been out to dinner so we figured we'd just postpone our celebration until later in the week.

And then our friend Michelle and the rest of our small group came . . . with signs and a birthday cake and a piñata and anniversary flowers!! SURPRISE!!
I didn't take any pictures of the poor piñata--I was too busy whacking at it! But it was such a special time with good friends we have grown to love like family and I had to share. :-)

1 comment:

Mom said...

How nice was that?! It sounds like fun!