Tuesday, November 27, 2007


The Searls family were all south of us for Thanksgiving and stopped in on the way back! They took us out for brunch at Roscoe's, gave us a tour of their motor home, and even stopped by the apartment. It was tons of fun to see everyone.
On a down note, I'd caught Erik's cold but didn't know it... he was better, but I managed to pass it along to both Noelle and Andy--I got hit later that day. Spent yesterday sleeping, drinking apple juice and feeling sorry for myself, but am on the road to recovery. :-)

Monday, November 26, 2007

Reading List

I just finished a great book recommended by Ben, who read it after April recommended it.

State of Fear
by Michael Crichton

Some pretty interesting data, especially with Gore's Inconvenient Truth getting so much publicity. The actual story is a tad weak in parts, but I found it very thought-provoking, environmentally, historically and in regard to the university/academic atmosphere.

I highly recommend it--great discussion book!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Giving Thanks, Part Deux

What a lot of things there are to be thankful for this year--may we never take our blessings for granted! Spent a lovely Thanksgiving with Erik, Patrick & Debra... and Chuck (Patrick & Debra's new dog).

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Giving Thanks

I'm so thankful for all of you.
So very thankful.

Much love from,

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Morro Bay

We were visiting Patrick & Debra this weekend, and took a little day trip up to Morro Bay--a pretty spot! This first picture was actually near Pismo... Erik was nice enough to stop and let me take a picture. Check out the fog! It was so neat looking.

Next time we need to plan a bit more time for exploring, but we had a nice lunch of clam chowder at a fun little spot on the bay and watched a seal swimming around. Oh! And looked at the big rock! It was lovely to be outside in the sun and on the water. Reminded me a bit of the county. :-)

Friday, November 9, 2007

Gee, I really love him, and...

Yep. That's right.

We're gonna get married. :-D

Small, simple wedding in Santa Maria at the end of March... some sort of picnic in WI when we get there this summer (July?). I know that's not enough for the detail-hounds out there, but... :-D

Oh, and did I mention... :-D


Sunday, November 4, 2007

Yay for visit!!

On Saturday, Erik & I drove north... Noelle & Andy drove south... and somewhere in-between, we met!We had a lovely lunch and then drove up to the foothills and spent the afternoon in a park. It was so good to see them.
On Sunday, we saw our first real-live roadrunner! The picture isn't good, but it sure was fun to see (note how it is NOT tall with blue wings... I'm not sure Warner Bros. ever actually SAW the bird they were drawing).We also had a wonderful dinner with Erik's friends Steve & Laura!

I'm so tired tonight, I think that's all I'm writing.

Love to everyone,

Friday, November 2, 2007

Job Shift

Is it November already??

I'm starting a new job tomorrow! And before you start to sputter about not being in the loop, it's only as of yesterday. So you have about as much warning as me. :-D

I will still be working for Target, but managing the Starbucks in the store. Tomorrow and next week will be a race to get as much training as possible before the current manager leaves. I'm excited about this new adventure!

In other news, Erik & I are going to meet up with Noelle & Andy this weekend in Merced. Can't wait!

Life is moving fast these days--will post again shortly. In the meantime, love to you all.