Monday, April 28, 2008

Kitten Cuteness

Okay, this post is mostly for Tessa who is craving kitty cuteness. . . but first--look what I found blooming in the back! The wonderful woman who owns this house with her husband told us about it, but it's only just opened up.
It's a lily... but almost orchid like. Gorgeous!

And now for some uber-cute kitty pics (can't forget cute hubby and dog COMPLETELY though). . . Our little Master Samwise put on quite a little program last night--I think he was showing off for Bill! Tha- tha- tha- that's all for now, folks!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Yay for visitors!!

Noelle & Andy were here for the weekend!

We had a lot of fun and it was really good to see them. It went by fast! I'm VERY sorry I didn't think to take any pictures of the ferocious badminton "match" in the backyard! ;-)They also got to meet the new pets . . . you can see that both the cat and dog disliked Andy very much.As you can see, the kitten is a big help on the computer . . . of course this was taken last night, when he was still tiny. Erik and I took a nap this morning, and while we were sleeping he GREW! I mean in length, height and girth . . . he got BIGGER. Crazy kitty growth spurt. Happily, the crazy pup and nutty kitten really do like each other. They want to be together most of the time. Their level of play however, is a little trying to our nerves at times. This was a BRIEF moment of respite. Cute as buttons though, aren't they?Pippin goes to the vet tomorrow, and Sam might just be due for his first bath. ;-)

Thursday, April 17, 2008


Our other New Addition came home this evening. He is a 6-month old sheltie/spaniel mix, and his name is (now) Pippin. He and Sam are getting acquainted and are fun to watch play together (they're still working on "sharing") ;-)

Meet Pippin:
(He's currently growling at himself in the closet mirror as I type this, lol)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Meet Sam!

So. . . exciting news news from Bakersfield. . .

First, we found a church home! Not only a relief, but a blessing and a joy. :-)

Our other exciting news includes two additions to our little family! We've been visiting the SPCA here in Bakersfield and have a new kitten!! Our puppy will be coming home within a week--after the neutering visit with the vet--and I'll post pictures of him then.

I picked up Sam this morning, and after a wide-eyed survey of the house he settled down and slept with me for almost two hours. Then he played like a little maniac, and promptly went to sleep with Erik when he came home from work. His purring machine is in fine working order, and we love him already!

Meet Sam:Much love and big cheesy grin,

Friday, April 11, 2008

Pic Link

Okay... this is new to me, so I hope it works. You should be able to click on the link below and access some wedding photos. Let me know if it doesn't work!!


p.s. if you took pics and haven't shared them with me, please send them! ;-)

p.p.s. looks like it DID work, but some of the pics are looking really pixely--more so than just viewing them from the hard drive. Bah.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

We're Married :-)

I promise to put a real post up soon, but people keep asking for a photo so I'm doing a quick one. Saturday was the big day! It was good to see so many friends and family. Wish we'd had more time with everyone, but I guess that's how weddings go. The weather was beautiful, following a very cold day prior--we felt lucky! Thanks to everyone who came, and to those who sent well wishes, thoughts, and prayers. We love you all so much.We came back Monday night and have been busy with the house. . . setting up, organizing, shopping, packing, unpacking--the lists are endless. But we're enjoying ourselves! More about our birdfeeders and house and wedding... and probably something about pets very soon.

cmr (even after the name change! :D)