Saturday, July 14, 2007

Yay for a visit!!

I'm going to post this picture while he's still driving back to his hotel... :-D

Jeff was here today!He had the dubious honor of being the first to visit our little furnitureless apartment since Bamberg was here helping us move in. For those of you who don't know him, Jeff is an on-line gaming friend from Orlando who was out here for a work trip. Fun to put the face with the voice/type and spend an afternoon exploring the greater Altadena area. It was way too hot to spend much time outside, but fun to hang out.

Thanks for coming, you. It was really fun to see you!


Mission Writer said...

I'm sorry we missed out on that dubious honor! I miss you!!! This blog is great; keep it up.
Love you!

christel said...

And I'm not THAT short, Lionel!! :-P