Monday, December 31, 2007

Whirlwind Weekend

Poor Erik worked Friday night and then drove here Saturday morning in time to leave for the whale watching. . . then after we got home from Long Beach, he still didn't get to sleep--but he did get to open his stocking! Yep, that's real Wisconsin Cheese he's holding. Cheese curds and whips, straight from the snowy tundra. Definitely worth the sleep deprivation. ;-DWe also got a pair of Hadleyware mugs from mom, which feel wonderfully homey.On Sunday morning we got up early and left for Fresno to meet Noelle and the Searls clan. On the way we saw a lovely rainbow right over the road!Also stopped for a glimpse of Pyramid Lake and at the Crystal Palace in Bakersfield only long enough for these two to meet up with their special friends.We had a yummy lunch at the Cheesecake Factory and then went to Starbucks to hang out and chat (as the gardens we wanted to tour were closed for renovations).We also returned a few things Andy & Noelle left in Altadena (don't you think green is his color?) ;-)
On Monday morning mom left. :-(


Anonymous said...

Wisconsin cheese??? Santa must be have run out of good Real California cheese from our happy cows. I hear the cows from Wisconsin have thick, almost Canadian accents. };-> This has been proven to lower the quality of a good cheese. Was Santa making fun of Erik by writing "ear" on his stocking? Poor Earik...

The Sympathetic One,

christel said...

Oh no. . . you are NOT comparing Real Wisconsin cheese to your so-called California cheese--I know you're not! Be extra nice to Erik and MAYBE he'll share a cheese whip. :-P

Anonymous said...

No need! I've had "real" Wisconsin cheese MANY times. It goes great on my Ritz crackers...but I hate when the can runs out of Wisconsin Cheese Whips (Whiz)...same thing right??? ;-) Real cheese comes from Happy cows. Happy cows come from California.

The Full One, (mmm good Wisconsin cheese in a can)


Anonymous said...

I still can't believe they show those California Cow Cheese commercials up here in the Great Cheese State of Wisconsin! (sigh) Do they show Wisconsin Cheese State commercials in California? I suppose not, because we don't need to advertise our cheese, everyone just knows that good cheese comes from Wisconsin!

christel said...

You tell him, Jess!
I'm sputtering too much to respond. ;-)