Friday, February 1, 2008

Monrovia Canyon Falls

Ben & I got out the old Afoot & Afield today and decided to check out a hike that Mom, April & Ben had explored when they were out here for Christmas. It was a lovely day!

After we'd parked, we walked behind the Nature Center to pick up the trail and there were a pair of deer grazing and playing with each other! They watched us and chased each other a bit; I think they must be yearlings. Fun!!

The book said it was a shady trail, and we were prepared to be chilly. But the sun was bright and there were plenty of lit spots along the way.

The stream was bubbling noisily, the sun was shining and the waterfall at the end was beautiful!
Afterwards we had fun doing a little exploring of the quaint side of Monrovia--and we found a yummy kabob place for lunch too!

Nice to have a relaxed day with a little new exploring. ;-D

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