We had quite a day today. . . poor Erik came home from work and as he started to get ready for bed I discovered that we had a flat tire and our freezer was defrosting. No rest for the weary. :-/ It was a morning of phone calls and errands, but we're all squared away now. Did you know that freezers have heaters? Well ours was broken. New heater, full-sized spare tire fully installed. . . and a long day. BUT, better they both happened while we were at home and not on a trip! And. . . AND when the repairman was working, he found that part of the ice-maker-thingy was disconnected, which is why we couldn't get decent ice cubes! So he put some screws in and it WORKS! Woo hoo!!!
Other than that, things are pretty much back to normal around here. Our munchkins are growing and tussling and spending a lot of time being cute and a little time being naughty. Pippin (and we) start Dog Obedience next week!
The Wednesday before last I met Ben in Santa Clarita for lunch (and to take him my old video card)--he's finally building that Dream Computer!! The graphics card WILL be replaced when the dream is Fully Realized, but it's standing in at the moment. Anyhow, it was great to see him and to have some time to just chat and hang out. Miss having that.