Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Lake Hume

Last Thursday through Sunday I had the privilege of going to Lake Hume with a great bunch of students and other chaperones. We had a wonderful time--I've posted a few pictures here (the bulk of them are up on Facebook for easy group sharing and downloading). Lest you think Erik or the pets suffered by my absence, our friend Bill came over and hung out quite a bit--with Erik, and also with the pets in the evening so they didn't have to go to bed when Erik left for work (his nights are a little too long for them). Everyone survived. ;-)

Here is the group of Lovely Ladies who stayed together--playing, worshiping, sharing and having a really good time (Back, L to R: Kat, Lizzie, Rachel, Chelsea, Sarah, Stacy, Alex, Kris; Front, L to R: Nikki, Nathalie) Broom Hockey! Coming down the Tube RunThey even have a mechanical bull!These brave ladies all jumped off The Screamer--a modified bungee jump with a harness that catches you part way down a LONG drop. Grayson and Micah in the Box Sled Blitz--cardboard and duct tape only!We had absolutely BEAUTIFUL weather--sunny and clear and not too cold . . . . . . although Kris didn't always agree with me on that!On Sunday morning it was wet and misty and gorgeous Here's the whole crew right before we headed home: It was a great trip, and so fun to get to know these neat young people! Check out my Facebook photos if you want to see more pics.

Following the stellar weekend of course, I came home and promptly got sick. So I haven't been doing much these last couple of days. I'm on the upswing though!

Hope all is well with everyone. :-)

1 comment:

Noelle said...

Nice! Looks like you had fun .^_^.