Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Noelle & Andy's Wedding!

Alright, Kirsten--here's to ending your disappointment in me! ;-P

Noelle & Andy got married on Saturday! The wonderful Searls family hosted a fun-filled weekend starting with a BBQ on Friday. I've posted some pictures here, but there are more! For the bulk you'll need to visit this photo album site.

The SearlsThe ceremony can never start without the bride . . . which was lucky because she was LATE! We left from the house where the reception was going to be and we were running a little behind as The Bride was the last to get ready. Then we got a little turned around on our way . . . but when we DID get there, the groom and his dad had to run back for rings and license so we took turns waiting. ;-) The wedding was held on a little beach jutting out into the beautiful Lake of the Pines. It was a PERFECT day! There was even a heart-shaped cloud made to order and spotted by Megan.The MomsThe KidsDad walking Noelle down the aisleThey read their own vows to each other and the kids had a part too. The moms read scripture and Warren read an Apache benediction.The reception was just down the road with the extended Searls family graciously opening their home. This is such a great picture of Collin and Grandma Judy! :-)Some family pics--because that's mostly who looks at the blog. There are more of them and other guests on this site, I just couldn't post everything here. We had a lovely lunch and then played in the water!Collin and Grandpa Warren built this boat to sink. They built it rather well and it took Some Time to get it down!Noelle & Andy "Taking The Plunge"
Andy and MeganErik couldn't get off work and so missed the ceremony. But he got on the train after work and made it for the reception!The NewlywedsBack at the Bat Cave . . . Mom, April, Erik & I had a Board Room at the hotel, complete with board table and dry erase board, because that's what was left. Clearly we had to have a Board Meeting! We had several, actually. :-D You can see we made some important decisions. Noelle is to become a Travel Agent and get us all deals ASAP, and April (& Ben) are to have twins in Spring 2011 (in 2010 we'll be getting together for Ben & Pei's wedding, so this seemed like a good time to plan an event for the following year). We even suggested names. Ha!We had a lovely breakfast with the Searls on Sunday morning before people started to leave. April took Dad to the airport and then we headed over to Searls to sing an early happy birthday to Erik before leaving.We took a few sib pics before leaving We had to have a stand-in for Ben Coffin . . . that ought to teach him to skip family functions! ;-PA leetle bit of car trouble on our way home, but we made it!Check out more pictures here. This site will only be active for 30-days, so if you want to copy pics be sure to take them before July 15! Also, they look a tad pixely on that site--if they come out that way and you want better copies, e-mail me. I haven't tried to download pictures from them, but I think they may sacrifice some quality for download speed.

1 comment:

christel said...

Ok, so the site I used has changed since last year and now wants money from folks to download pictures. Please e-mail me instead and I'll either e-mail pics back to you, or if you want lots I'll burn you a CD. Sorry about that!