Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year!

Well, Kirsten, you were partly right about the boys . . . Patrick did the dishes while Erik kept him company. But lest you think Erik doesn't help around the house . . . ;-)

Most of our new curtains arrived just before Christmas! We don't have all of them up yet, but did get up what we could. They are plain white sheers that let in a lot of light, which I love (they'll match the paint better when we . . . paint. Someday.) The ones in our bedroom are a little different; ivory instead of white because of our bedspread and dresser, with some pretty detailing.Yes, I know. Boring. But I'm excited!!

Speaking of excitement, we had a little more than we would have liked shortly after the new year began. Erik was leaving to run an errand and discovered that we had a (very) flat tire. He's a handy sort of guy to have around! Changing directions a little here, have you noticed how few fortunes there are in fortune cookies these days? It seems so many of them have little quips or advice like, "Happiness is the key to success". All well and good maybe, but not a fortune. However, when Bill took us out for Chinese on this week, this is the fortune I pulled out of my cookie: Not only a true fortune, but a fortune that is true! I will be flying to Wisconsin on Thursday and believe me, you cross desert in any direction you take out of Bakersfield.

Reports from the siblings (and from the woman herself) are that Mom is recovering nicely from her hip replacement surgery, but it will be good to see her. I won't be traveling while I'm there as the reason for the trip is to help with recovery, but if anyone is going to be in or near Sturgeon Bay in the next couple of weeks, let me know!Heartfelt wishes for a bountiful and joyous new year,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, now it looks as though all Erik does is work! "It's so nice to have a man around the house!" Curtains are looking good. We're anxious to see you, soon! Happy New Year!!! Love, k