Monday, August 30, 2010


Pitting cherries for pies!Birthday chocolateI've been thinking about Grandpa's loves beyond pie and chocolate too. :-)

He loved God's creation and he never stopped marveling at the intricacies of design in nature. And he loved his family.Most of all, although he forgot a lot of things, he never forgot who he belonged to or where he was headed. I hope I can leave as solid a legacy someday.Mom said Pastor Cory told her that anytime they had a hymn night at church, Grandpa always requested the same one. The lyrics are below. I know Grandpa is glad to that lovely face!

We shall see His lovely face some bright golden morning,
When the clouds have rifted and the shades have flown;
Sorrow will be turned to joy, heartaches gone forever;
No more night, only light, when we see His face.

God shall wipe away all tears some bright golden morning,
When the journey's ended, and the course is run;
No more crying, pain or death in that home of gladness,
Trials cease, all is peace, when we see His face.

We shall meet to part no more, some bright golden morning,
At the gates of glory where our loved ones stand;
Songs of vict'ry fill the skies in that hour of greeting,
Endless days, endless praise, when we see His face.


Anonymous said...

What a lovely tribute to Grandpa, Christel. Thanks! I'll be happy to see you. Love, k

Anonymous said...

So, when's the next edition coming out??? Missing you! k