Friday, November 19, 2010


I haven't been very good at posting pictures of trips home this past year . . . I was looking through some folders today, enjoying the memories of my most recent trip back to Wisconsin for Grandpa's memorial service, and thought I'd share.

I love these pictures of Grandma's kitchen full of food and family--she taught us well! It seems crazy to think back to when we all fit in the kitchen with a few card tables rounding things out! These days spilling into the living room makes more sense.
Mom unearthed the boys' boleros from days gone by and presented them. Ha! :-D
She also passed this beaut on to Clare . . .
What a peanut. I had so much fun playing with Lauren! (I think Brigid was probably about this size when we last all fit in the kitchen)
Pie? PIE! Grandpa would approve. :-)
These two did a lion's share of the cooking--and it was GOOD!The Sibs
Then it was time for games! We started with Pictionary.Based on Peter's face in this picture, I think they must have gotten the answer in time.Then we moved on to Trivial Pursuit.There was some contention apparently . . .
but mostly laughter. Come to think of it, the laughter may have been in response to the contention . . . ;-) I don't remember what Jonathan was pontificating on here, but his audience was clearly enjoying it!
I miss being close enough to play games together with family.
I also got the chance to see Dad & Jackie. We had a lovely lunch outside and listened to the waterfall. Crazy to think about that gorgeous summer weather--it doesn't seem all that long ago!
These are some turkeys Mom & I saw on a drive before I had to leave (just to differentiate between these and all the turkeys pictured in this post).
Our shared lunch at the airport
Ben & Pei were just getting back from a busy weekend themselves when I flew in a day late. They fed Erik & I a wonderful dinner before we headed back to Bakersfield. I also had to post this pic because I thought Ben looked great with a beard! He has since had to shave it off for his EMT class.

Pei & Ben with Itchy & Scratchy
And last but not least, flashing forward again, Pei sent this picture of our Rosie sleeping peacefully next to Itchy on their couch--WHO KNEW!?!!? I'm so glad she's settling in.
Sweet sleep. :-)

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