Thursday, April 7, 2011

New Wheels

It's cold and rainy and I'm loving it even as everyone complains--I say the horrendous heat of summer is coming soon enough! Suck it up and put on a sweatshirt. ;-)

This picture has nothing to do with that, or the rest of my post. However, fuzzy as it is, it just cracks me up. So I'm sharing it. He sat on the little couch up in the office like this while Erik and I were on our computers the other day.
Computers. Mine is getting some much needed TLC in the hands of Ben. That means that I am writing from Erik's computer and trying to remember all my saved passwords, etc. We'll see how it goes . . .

We took a day trip down to see Ben & Pei yesterday and dropped off the computer. We had the chance to go because Erik got the night off after having jury duty the day before. Every cloud has its silver lining! :-) Here we are having a feast of dumplings and rice before heading back home.Why is no one looking at me??

We didn't get home until LATE last night; things ended up taking longer than we planned. But in a good way! We've been talking for some time about selling Erik's truck to our friend Bill and getting ourselves a (different) second car. Well, we went to look at one yesterday and ended up bringing it home!

Here is Erik saying goodbye to his truck . . .
And here is Bill saying hello to his new truck!
Here is a glimpse of our new (to us) Miata . . .
Of course, the day after we bought a convertible, it rained all day in Bakersfield. Which only gets a few days of rain every YEAR. Ha. Pics with the top down forthcoming. ;-)


Anonymous said...

So happy to see a new entry this morning! And, I love the new car - so fun! A bit different from a truck, I'd say. Spring is definitely on it's way here - tulip leave are about 6" tall! Love you! k

Anonymous said...

Should say "leaves" - kind of pathetic if there would just be one (and misspelled at that!). k

Anonymous said...

Holy Toledo!
Have fun!

Anonymous said...

(That was your mom talking...)