Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Jumpin' Around

This is what happens when I get behind. If I don't jump around a little, I miss posting about things somehow. So today we're leaving Oklahoma and fast forwarding a bit. We'll go back. I promise.

First of all, my computer is back! YAY!!!!! Yes, I (sort of) have an excuse for being so far behind. I blame the guy below but since it came back faster and cleaner than it left, I'm not really complaining!
This post is really about a fun evening we had a couple of weeks ago with some kids we love. We got the chance to take them mini-golfing and had a great time!
Making things a little more interesting for Erik's shot
We were about half-way through the course when a train pulled up on the tracks nearby . . .
And the engineer blew the whistle when David signaled. I think this was more exciting than the mini-golfing!
The water was running this time! When we went one other time, everything was dry and yucky. This time it was prettier (but smelled really strongly of chlorine).
Sexy Scorekeeper
Lining up their shots
Hannah's streak of luck broke on this hole and her brother took the lead.
The slurpee turned out to be almost as big as they were . . . and the lady at the counter thought I ought to order a large! I think we just became those friends who fill kids with sugar and then drop them off at home. Oops!
(Don't let Lil fool you with the water . . . she got her share of the blue sugar too.)

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