Friday, November 21, 2008


Granted, it's only been a couple of days. . . but you count hours rather than days when you're worrying whether or not the pets are ever going to settle down and get along. We're breathing a sigh of relief as things settle down some and there is a glimmer that eventually Rosie may actually befriend a boy or three. See the snuggling? :-D She was chasing Sam around this morning in play, but every time he caught her and started to play she panicked--hissing, spitting, growling, ears flattened . . . and when I picked him up, she pouted because I took away her plaything!! As soon as he got down, she was after him again. The poor guy didn't know whether to play or go hide!

Life is never dull! :-)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Little Rosie

Just a quick post . . . I'm sick, Erik's starting to feel sick, the pets have been spatting . . . but we have a new introduction to make! :-)

This is Rosie.
According to our vet visit today, she weighs just over 4 lbs. Apparently Sam has grown more than I thought--she feels like a feather next to him!

Unlike the new pup, this transition bodes to be a little rockier--though I'm happy to say there have been improvements since last night! These aren't the best pictures, but give you some idea of her coloring. Her right eye always shoots a little funky as she has some scar tissue (likely from catching a claw to the eye from a sibling?) She looks like a crabby little puss, but she purrs loud enough to wake the dead and loves to snuggle.I picked up Rosie yesterday afternoon and she slept on my chest while I napped for hours (did I mention I was sick?) She's glad to be home and loved--just seems like she wishes she were the only one! The dogs were a bit over-curious which didn't get them off on the right foot, but you can see how meek Pippin is today--he's afraid of getting in trouble and is treating her with kid gloves!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Play Time!

Yep . . . it's a gratuitous post ignoring any real or imagined transitional difficulties and highlighting Brotherly Love and Playful Spirits. ;-) Hey--Noelle asked for more puppy pictures!

Actually (not to jinx things) so far things are going really smoothly! The dogs are still working out the pecking order, but mostly they're just buds. They play and play and play and sleep and sleep and sleep and wake up and play some more. The cat watches and walks deliberately close to show that he's not afraid or going to hide . . . or lounges under the tree observing the world at large . . . or perches at the top of the cat tree with his head resting on the edge watching the dogs play or sleep below. Erik, who was feeling a little leary about another dog, is completely in love. :-) And here's the sleepy pup. . . Erik thinks he grew last night! He does look lanky in the picture, but he's still a Floppy, Clumsy Puppy! No word yet on our newest kitty--hopefully this week! :-)

Saturday, November 15, 2008

New Addition(s)

What a lot has happened since my last post! The long and the short of it is . . . we have two new members of the family. The cat will be picked up after her vet appointment and you'll meet her another day; today I want to introduce you to Thomas. :-)He is a three month old Golden Retriever mix and sweet as can be. He sat in the car like an angel on the way home and then got a bath immediately upon arrival--he was one STINKY puppy!! I don't know what he'd rolled in . . . I don't want to know! Pippin and Sam gave him a thorough looking over and then they all went to check out the yard. Thomas played with Pippin until he was worn out--then started to lean against me like, "Please can I take a nap now?"The cat watched the goings on from his favorite spot under the pine tree.Pippin is ecstatic to have a new buddy! He has no idea that Thomas is going to get Bigger. ;-)Sleepy, sleepy puppy after so many new things. . .



Just a quick update and I'm off to bed. I finally pulled pictures off the camera and sat down to post. Not much new going on here, though we have had some rain recently! Considering I can count on one hand (with fingers to spare) how many times it has rained since I moved to Bakersfield, two showers in the past couple of weeks is Big News!In other news, our Wimpy California Dog has suddenly decided that he loves the sprinklers! He gets all excited and begs to go outside in the evening when they come on for a few minutes and races back and forth drinking from all of them. Too funny! He enjoys the toweling off a bit less, but is becoming resigned to it. ;-) The cat was outside on his lead the other night when all the excitement started and was. . . startled to say the least! He made a dash for the house, but then settled down and sat on his chair watching the dog run back and forth (and giving half-hearted swats at him as he went by). Life is never dull when you have pets! :-D We are beginning to have a touch of fall color--this is a tree in the corner of our yard. We're also excited that the tangelos are starting to get orange!! I can't WAIT for them to be ready. Hopefully when Noelle & Andy come down Thanksgiving weekend they can partake of Tangelo Joy!! This is disjointed and goofy, but I'm tired. And I wanted to say hello. :-)

Love you!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

All Saints Day

We didn't have a lot of trick-or-treaters last night (lots of leftover candy. . . eep!) but enjoyed seeing the costumes of those that did come. Bartholomew and Essie were outside flickering and welcoming little folks; kind of sad to bring them in and be done with them already! We'll have to carve earlier next year.Our friend Sergio came over for dinner and brought the next installment of the Terminator series which we are totally enjoying. Three episodes every Friday night sans commercials--it will be over too soon!!Today was Craft Day with the ladies at church and we had all sorts of fun decorating little butter knives--how cute and clever is this?!!? I'm all in a crafting mode now--need to find some kind of outlet! If you have fun crafting ideas, please send them my way!!
Have a superb weekend, all! :-)