Just a quick post . . . I'm sick, Erik's starting to feel sick, the pets have been spatting
. . . but we have a new introduction to make! :-)
This is Rosie.
According to our vet visit today, she weighs just over 4 lbs. Apparently Sam has grown more than I thought--she feels like a feather next to him!Unlike the new pup, this transition bodes to be a little rockier--though I'm happy to say there have been improvements since last night! These aren't the best pictures, but give you some idea of her coloring. Her right eye always shoots a little funky as she has some scar tissue (likely from catching a claw to the eye from a sibling?) She looks like a crabby little puss, but she purrs loud enough to wake the dead and loves to snuggle.
I picked up Rosie yesterday afternoon and she slept on my chest while I napped for hours (did I mention I was sick?) She's glad to be home and loved--just seems like she wishes she were the only one! The dogs were a bit over-curious which didn't get them off on the right foot, but you can see how meek Pippin is today--he's afraid of getting in trouble and is treating her with kid gloves!
1 comment:
Awww! =^.^= TOO CUTE! Thx for the photos!
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