Saturday, November 15, 2008

New Addition(s)

What a lot has happened since my last post! The long and the short of it is . . . we have two new members of the family. The cat will be picked up after her vet appointment and you'll meet her another day; today I want to introduce you to Thomas. :-)He is a three month old Golden Retriever mix and sweet as can be. He sat in the car like an angel on the way home and then got a bath immediately upon arrival--he was one STINKY puppy!! I don't know what he'd rolled in . . . I don't want to know! Pippin and Sam gave him a thorough looking over and then they all went to check out the yard. Thomas played with Pippin until he was worn out--then started to lean against me like, "Please can I take a nap now?"The cat watched the goings on from his favorite spot under the pine tree.Pippin is ecstatic to have a new buddy! He has no idea that Thomas is going to get Bigger. ;-)Sleepy, sleepy puppy after so many new things. . .


Noelle said...

Oh, my! What fun, you crazy people! He looks like a darling .^_^. No more making fun of us for four cats! I also look fwd to tangelos (but A can't do citrus)... Can't wait to see you guys! <3 N

Mom said...

Those two boys look so happy together! You'll be outgrowing your cute house soon! Love you, Mom ooxx