Thursday, March 5, 2009

Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad... Moments

This has been Quite a Week. Actually, couple of weeks.

I was not feeling well at all last week, and finally Erik said it was time to go to the doctor. So Monday he dropped me off there and went to pay rent. The doctor did a strep test because I knew I'd been exposed, though she didn't think I had it (results on Wednesday, she said). She also told me it looked more like mono, but thought we'd try some antibiotics before blood tests. Super. Then when Erik came back to pick me up, he said the agency wouldn't take our rent; we should pay the owner directly from now on. That this was coming was not a surprise; for them to tell him after he'd made the trek to pay, and not give him anything in writing . . . I thought that was pretty odd. In fact, I was pretty irritated about it. We had the name and e-mail of the owner only because she's a sweet woman who has kept in touch on and off--as far as the agency knew, we didn't have ANY information! So it was a grumbly ride home followed by yet another long nap.

In the afternoon, Erik went to the pharmacy to pick up my antibiotics. And after a long wait and a phone call, he was told that our insurance had been canceled. They also told him it had been restarted again, but until he got the new card and numbers they couldn't help him. So he paid for it out of pocket (luckily only $18.99) and came home. The only thing we could figure was that they were finally correcting his incorrect date of birth at his work and that had somehow disrupted coverage. But we'd gotten no information or new cards or anything.

The week goes on . . .

When I started feeling a little better, I called the insurance company. The phone was answered by some Sally Sunshine who had an amazing ability to give a cheerful, competent-sounding, completely meaningless replies to every question I asked. "There should have been no problem whatsoever filling that prescription. I show no lapse of coverage. I do see where they submitted it and were rejected. There is no reason it should have been rejected. I show no lapse of coverage," and so on and so on in a maddeningly circular conversation. She repeated back all of the information on my card and told me to have them use THAT information, and assured me that. . . now I'm becoming circuitous. So I went back to the pharmacy with the paper they'd given Erik, saying they could re-run it and give him money back if the insurance approved it. The pharmacist very kindly called the insurance when it STILL wouldn't go through, and after a long conversation told me that Erik's birth date had not been changed, but they had canceled me off of the policy. So I called them again. This time I got a Real Person instead of the cheerful robot, who looked a little deeper and actually listened to me . . . and sure enough. They had canceled me at the end of February. On a whim. After some rigamarole she was able to fix the problem, and mercifully called the pharmacy so I didn't have to ask them to run it through yet again. Time to go home and take another nap.

Refund on prescription: $3.99
Bag of Peanut Butter M&Ms (not covered by insurance): $3.99
Nearly two hours in Rite Aid: Really Annoying

On Wednesday, I remembered to e-mail the owner of our house to let her know what they'd said, and asked for her mailing address so we could send her the rent check for March. Thursday morning, I had an e-mail from her, so Erik wrote the check before he went to bed. I got it and myself ready to go, did a few chores, decided to eat lunch quick before heading to the Post Office . . . and there was a knock on the door. Now it's always an adventure trying to keep two eager dogs in while conversing with someone at the door. Especially when we're trying to keep them inside to let the grass in the backyard recover and take hold. So I'm trying to hold them and take the paper the man is offering me when Pippin slips out to say hello. I'm in the middle of asking him to grab his collar when Pippin takes off. Like a shot. I ran out after him but when he dashed around the corner and out of site, I went back for the car. Luckily he stopped to sniff a yard where another dog lives long enough for me to snatch him. On a friendlier note, the man who had wandered away from my door without even a "oh no!" or "sorry" pulled up as I was putting him in the car; apparently he had driven slowly around looking too. Which was nice! :-D Home again, I gathered things for the Post Office and picked up the sheet of paper where I'd dropped it to chase the dog . . . it's an eviction notice. Because we didn't pay rent. To the people who wouldn't take our check. Lovely. One panicked phone conversation later, I'm shredding the second check for March rent, writing yet another to the agency and driving across town to drop it off. Seems they had a little "mix-up". Uh huh. Nap time anyone??

March Rent: 3 checks, two trips across town, an e-mail, three phone calls, more time and gas than I want to add up and, oh yeah, a bunch of money too

I did think of another bright spot on Thursday--I hadn't heard from the doctor's office, so no strep! :-D Right? Wrong. They called today. "So, ah . . . be sure to, ah. . . take the antibiotics." Right. Thanks.

But the funny thing? It wasn't a bad a week. It certainly had it's annoying moments--I'll be the first to say so! In fact, I did say so. But I've got a husband who makes my eyes sparkle, even when I'm sick. How cute is he with his little helpers fixing that stupid hinge that keeps falling? :-) And a bunch of busy things I thought I was too tired or irritated to go to (this week has been jam-packed) have been such blessings--small group on Tuesday night, pie with the ladies on Wednesday night, youth group on Thursday night, bible study on Friday morning. I came back from each with more energy than I went with.

And it's spring! How can you not find joy in new life springing up and out all around? We've had beautiful weather, rainy weather, warm weather . . . and blossoms everywhere!
This might just be the longest post ever. This was actually the Short Version, believe it or not. But I'm not going to apologize! It felt good to write out, and you didn't have to read it. ;-)

Here's hoping you're able to find joy in the middle of life's little interruptions and annoyances!


Mom said...

I'm glad you got it all worked out! Are you on the mend? And I'm glad you are finding things to be thankful for! Love you!

Anonymous said...

Well, it brightened my day - thanks!
I hope you're feeling better. Love the pictures (and you)! k

April Coffin said...

You put a smile in my heart, and on my face. Love you, sister!